Part-Time Vacancies in Ajman | Ajman University Jobs | October 2022

A flexible work arrangement in which you work less than full-time hours is known as part-time work or a part-time job. Employees are often regarded as part-time if they regularly work fewer than 30 hours per week, which typically translates to working fewer days each workweek.

When deciding between part-time and full-time work, there are a lot of things to consider from the perspective of the employee. People who value their families can choose part-time employment because it frees up more time and energy for other pursuits.

A part-time job is highly helpful for young mothers and fathers, students, retirees, those who wish to start their own business but need more time, and all other employees who cannot or do not need to work full-time.

Let’s examine some of the part-time jobs Ajman University has to offer, particularly for those with an interest in sports.

InstituteAjman University
Job TitleVarious Positions
Job LocationAjman
Job TypePart-Time
EducationEquivalent Degree/ Diploma Holders
SalaryAttractive Salary Offered
BenefitsAs Per UAE Labor Law

Table of Contents

About The Ajman University

Ajman University (AU), which was established in 1988 as the first private university in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf area, is currently acknowledged as a rising star on the map of the world’s academic institutions.

AU is ranked among the top 750 institutions in the world in the 2021 QS World University Rankings. Additionally, AU is included as one of the top 150 young colleges in the world in the most recent “Top 50 Under 50” QS Rankings. They are regarded as the 60th top student destination in the world by QS, despite their unique position in the Dubai/Sharjah/Ajman corridor.

Advantages of Part-Time Work

  • Appealing to a larger range of potential employees.
  • Retaining valuable workers who may not want or be able to work full-time.
  • Giving the firm the potential to cut expenses without laying off employees.
  • Enables the employer to effectively cover busy times.
  • More flexibility, leisure time, and work-life balance for workers.
  • Boosts the dedication, productivity, and morale of workers.
  • Reduces delays and early departures.

List of Part-Time Vacancies

Job TitleLocationApply
Program Secretary – Part-timeAjmanView and apply
Part-time Alumni CoordinatorAjmanView and apply
Part-time Soccer Coach (Male)AjmanView and apply
Part-time Table Tennis Coach (Female)AjmanView and apply

How to Apply for Ajman University Jobs?

For the post at Ajman University that you desire to apply for, create an interesting CV and portfolio. To apply for the part-time job vacancies that match your skills and expertise, please click on the provided link.

By logging in, following the online application procedures, and selecting the Department / Job in the Subject section, you may also send your application directly to if general applications are of interest to you.

Good luck with your part-time job at Ajman University!

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